Girdle of Truth Statement of Faith
I subscribe, for the most part, to the Dordrecht Confession of Faith of the Mennonite Church. An English translation can be found on the Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online website under the letter "D".
One exception would be that I do not necessarily believe that the Mennonite church is the "only true Christian faith", as stated. I believe it is the closest in most doctrines and practices to what the Bible teaches and the early church practiced (if I didn't believe that, I would be looking for a different church). At the same time, I do not believe that everyone else has everything wrong, nor that "we" have everything right. We can all learn from each other. Also, we may disagree completely on certain doctrines, some of them very important (such as eternal security); but as long as we confess Jesus as Lord, and our lives bear that out, we are brothers and sisters in Christ, and should treat each other as such.
Since the above Confession was written centuries ago (1632), and we now face many issues that the writers did not; and since this website deals extensively with apologetics issues, I will add links to several Statements of Faith to which I hold, and that address more specific issues. I am in agreement, in whole or majority part, with the following Statements of Faith:
And finally, I plan to state my position on each of the issues addressed in the Q&A section, as well as discussing numerous topics in more detail in the articles section, so you can check in those places if you want more details.
Incidentally, while I will do my best to give a fair representation of the varying viewpoints on each issue, and while this website is not primarily to promote my own viewpoint, I believe that it is very important for us to know what we believe and why, and I will therefore unapologetically share what I believe to be the truth on each of these issues. I try to remain open to correction, discussion, and debate, but I need to see convincing proofs from scripture before I will change what I believe. The Bible is my authority, not my own opinion or those of others; so if I'm wrong in my interpretation or application, please let me know. But be prepared to do so from scripture.